Openoffice for mac for os x 10.12
Openoffice for mac for os x 10.12

openoffice for mac for os x 10.12

This does not include the source code of LibreOffice, which is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPLv3).

  • Please note that all contributions to The Document Foundation Wiki are considered to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, unless otherwise specified.
  • Based on work by Ilmari Lauhakangas and Dennis Roczek and others.
  • This page was last edited 14:46:24, by The Document Foundation Wiki user FuzzyBot.
  • Linux-powered Amiga can run LibreOffice see this forum thread. See information on the port in the announcement on the Haiku forum "LibreOffice is now available for Haiku". There is no other community-supplied LibreOffice installer provided.

    openoffice for mac for os x 10.12

    This is the suggested way to install LibreOffice on FreeBSD. LibreOffice runs on FreeBSD and is available as package in the standard FreeBSD repositories. LibreOffice on other operating systems FreeBSD Officially supported by The Document Foundation.įor older operating system versions see the following table with links to the download archive: System requirements for LibreOffice are available on the main website. LibreOffice Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android 1.2 LibreOffice on other operating systems.

    Openoffice for mac for os x 10.12